Dr Rodney Jilek

PhD, MPH, B.HltSc, Adv Dip.Mgt, Dip.AppSc, Grad.CHSM, MACN, MACMHN, AFACHSM

Dr Rodney Jilek is a Registered Nurse with over 20 years experience in the fields of psychiatry and gerontology and holds formal qualifications in nursing, health science, and public health including a PhD exploring the lived experience of men entering residential aged care. He has published in a number of peer reviewed healthcare journals and has presented at conferences both nationally and internationally.

Rodney has worked extensively in the aged care industry in executive management positions responsible for facility management, clinical governance, human resources, regulatory compliance and quality management in both the for profit and not for profit sectors.

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0412 391 059 | info@ageconcern.com.au

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3/91 Station Street, Malvern
Vic 30144

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