Programs for Individuals

Programs for Organisations

Person Centred Dementia Care

Behaviour Support Planning

Welcome to Age Concern Pty Ltd

Established in 1986, Age Concern Pty Ltd is one of Australia’s oldest, private, continuing professional development organisations for registered and enrolled nurses, allied health professionals and other health care workers caring for older adults.

Our Experience

  • Contemporary aged care nursing
  • Assessments and planning person centred and inclusive care
  • Dementia: up to date, evidenced based and practical care
  • Behaviour support plans: rational, researched and effective strategies
  • Education: balancing theory with practice for all staffing levels
  • Transitioning facilities from task to fully consumer centred practices
  • Supporting all staff through mentoring and preceptorship
  • Music therapy as per international guidelines

What we are good at ..

Listening and respecting to how individuals and organisations are operating and how they want to move forward.

With our longstanding reputation we have always been able to attract, as required, national and international professionals such Prof. David Ames, the late Prof. Geri R Hall (USA) and Dr Rosalie Hudson.

Whether you work in the community, a hospital, in residential aged care or a respite organisation, we are sure to have continuing professional development programs to meet your needs – if not, we can develop a custom program for you.

Contact Us

03 9576 7844 | 1800 722 236

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