Programs for Carers

Personal care workers, known by many other titles are, in essence, the ‘backbone’ of the aged care industry.
Although Age Concern is very much involved with the continuing professional development of nurses, we believe that personal care workers also require continuing professional development.
Our programs for personal care workers are underpinned by the Certificate III in Aged Care qualification requirements of:

  • working under direct or frequent supervision
  • providing only personal care and or other care relating to activities of daily living
  • working from an individualised care plans
  • reporting to a supervisor and not be responsible for other workers

This program is to assist PCWs – AINs by aligning their knowledge and skills with the updated 2013 skills and knowledge of person centred dementia care for RNs and ENs.

Course Details:

Prue Mellor – RN, M(Geront), MNg(NPrac), MACN

Overall Objective:

PCWs/AINs are likely to be responsible for most of the direct care of residents and clients with a dementia, and therefore more likely to be involved in reportable incidents of any description.

As part of the OH&S and risk management strategy of any aged care service, evidence of contemporary knowledge and practices by all care staff, of clients with a dementia, is a primary requirement. This is particularly so in relation to the management of ‘behaviours’.

Delivery suggestions for groups:

We recommend the program, where possible, is set up as group sessions, through your TV or data projector
staff who cannot make the group sessions can have access to the recorded ‘archived’ sessions at times to suit
each group should be facilitated by a RN, as ENs cannot not direct care to PCW/AINs

Course Fees:


  • $33 per person per session (includes GST)
  • $150 per person (includes GST) (entire course)

Organisation / Group Fee:

  • 25% discount on group bookings of 5 or more
  • 40% discount on group bookings of 10 or more.
  • 50% discount on group bookings of 15 or more.
  • 60% discount on group bookings of 20 or more.

Register Now for Full Course

Session 1 – Professional Practice for Personal Care Workers:

The legal role of Cert III role; documenting legally; the issue of PCWs – AINs documenting for ACFI; is it a behaviour or something else? Words that should never used on care documents e.g. confusion, agitated, anxious, inappropriate or aggressive.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

Session 2 – The brain and how dementia develops:

A diagrammatic demonstration of how Alzheimer’s causes the signs and symptoms of dementia; how care staff will know that a resident/client has some damage in the brain and how they should respond.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

Session 3 – Memory & other losses – how to help:

Memory loss and how to support the resident/client; the issues with showering and dressing; getting lost and refusing care and how care staff should respond.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

Session 4 – Person centred care & activities:

Communicating with residents/clients with dementia; knowing which activities may be enjoyed by each resident/client; what is person centred care and the role of personal care workers.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

Session 5 – Behaviours:

What are behaviours; who has them; who cause them and how can they be managed? offers management for aggression, sexual behaviours, Sundowner syndrome plus more.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

Session 6 – When it is not dementia:

There are other causes to the signs and symptoms of dementia and care workers have a major role in reporting the changes and being involved in some prevention activities; infections, nutrition and hydration; sadness, grief and depression.

Session Cost: $33 (inclusive of GST)
(Discounts for Organisations apply)

Register Now or Enquire for More Details

This program has been developed for all levels of carers of people with dementia. It is modified from the Post Graduate Dementia Program for Registered nurses, we have changed the language to meet the needs of all carers.

To receive the Certificate of Recognition, each person attending the course will be expected to complete all the sessions and the practice activity.

Course Details:

Facilitator: Prue Mellor RN, M(Geront), MNg(NPrac), MACN


The program is offered Face-To-Face or through our virtual classroom.

The program is delivered in four sessions which may be either 1.5 or 3 hours each (ie; a 6 or 12 hour program) and there is a small practice activity for each person.

See below for individual session content details and objectives.

Course Fees:

Facilities (or group of nurses working at same site):
6 Hour Program – $990 (includes GST)

12 Hour Program – $990 per day (includes GST)

Maximum Attendance of 30 staff
All attendees to be employers of the same campus / site

Please Note:
Additional charges for travel and accommodation apply for Face-To-Face delivery.


Session 1 – Delirium vs Dementia

  • 60% of residents have a delirium
  • How delirium looks like dementia
  • Delirium increases the risk of dying sooner
  • Behaviours in delirium
  • Common causes and required care to reduce the risk of delirium

Session 2 – Depression vs Dementia

  • How depression looks like dementia
  • Different levels of depression
  • The ‘behaviours’ in depressed elderly people
  • Different types of dementia including Lewy body dementia, frontal lobe dementia, vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s disease & alcohol dementia

Session 3 – Alzheimer’s Disease Care

  • Clustering the symptoms for effective care
  • Symptoms and care of cognitive losses
  • Symptoms and care of affective losses
  • Symptoms and care of conative/planning losses
  • Staging dementia

Session 4 – Behaviours In Dementia

  • Documentation of behaviours, not using ACFI
  • Include behaviours – aggression (verbal & physical), wandering (types), anxiety, paranoia, and catastrophic reactions, sexual
  • Why and how staff can be more effective than medication.
  • The evidence states that person centred care reduces behaviours

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03 9576 7844 |

Head Office:
41 Clunies Ross Cr, Mulgrave VIC 3170

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